Friday, November 28, 2008
Business First of Columbus - by Paul E. Kostyu
A trivia game popular on college campuses in the 1990s challenged players to connect any actor with movie star Kevin Bacon in as few links – called degrees – as possible. The game played on the concept that we live in a small world.
Guess what? The world is getting smaller, at least figuratively.
With the rise of social media, think YouTube and Facebook, people are finding ways to connect in fewer and fewer degrees. Springboarding off of that is the concept of viral marketing, which used to happen by word of mouth and now is happening especially through social media.
Viral marketing and advertising – unlike traditional advertising seen in newspapers, television and heard on radio – promotes a brand over the Internet or other technology and spreads like a good virus, said Doug Ross, chairman of the marketing and communications master’s degree program at Franklin University.
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